
"Hey okay so what if we made our own business and made our own money? Like what if we made a company that had our values at heart?” An hour long phone call, a hurried face to face meeting, about 11 spiked seltzers, two bottles of wine, and a few too many packs of cigarettes later, and Bad News Wares was born.

Bad News Wares is the dream of two best friends who were really, really fed up with working in the service industry. We worked twelve hour days, running and tending a bar, just to have a few precious hours at home with our loved ones and pets and plants before going to bed just to do it all again the next day. Sick of the proletariat run around, we pooled some pennies, asked a lot of questions, and started a brand that would allow us to make a living without losing our morals.
We are committed to high quality apparel and accessories, and we are committed to paying artists for their work. We are committed to being on the right side of history with social issues, and we are committed to making sure you always look rad as hell.
We see you, we love you, and we want our products to add a dash of serotonin to your life.
Mosie and Caroline